CI/CD pipeline for Azure LogicApps Integration account Using AzureDevOps

Prashanth Kumar
4 min readFeb 3, 2023


Logic Apps is a cloud-based platform that helps you create and run automated workflows for integrating apps, data, services, and systems. Using this platform, you can more easily and quickly build highly scalable integration solutions for enterprise and business-to-business (B2B) scenarios.

The Integration account acts as a container for storing Schemas, Maps and Assemblies. Using these artifacts allows for richer transformations, such as XML to CSV, B2B Electronic Data Interchange or complex data mappings that involve large enterprise systems like SAP.

The process for using the Integration account is as follows. We will walk through this process in this post.

Azure Integration Account comes with lot of options

  • Schemas
  • Maps
  • Assemblies
  • Certificates
  • Partners
  • Agreements
  • Batch Configurations
  • RosettaNet PIP

For more information about individual components, please find the url’s.

Problem statement:

As most of the developers will be working on many items such as “Schemas”, “maps”, “assemblies” etc and at some point of time it needs to be deployed/Uploaded to Azure Integration account very frequently.

So How do I do that ? → And that's the place AzureDevOps pipelines comes handy.

So lets look into our AzureDevOps pipeline.

Build Stage

Step 1 — Creating the Logic App Integration account infrastructure ARM template

In this template we add Azure Integration account :

  • Define the ARM template to deploy the Logic App Integration account.
  • Define Parameters in parameters.json file.

you can find sample Template and Parameter.json files at:

Step 2 — Copy and create Build Artifact(s).

In AzureDevOps pipeline I am going to use 2 tasks.

  • Copy files
  • Publish Artifact: to drop

Generated artifact.

Deployment stage

I am going to use AzureDevOps pipeline to deploy Schema’s, Liquid files, Maps etc.

Step1: Create a new release pipeline and add “IntegrationAccount” build artifact.

Step2: Add 3 tasks in your release pipeline.

  • Integration Account: Use Azure Resource group deployment task, Provide Template and Parameter json file path.
  • Schema Update: For Schema update I am going to use simple PowerShell script which will pick all recently added .xsd files

$AccountName = “AzureIntegrationAccountName”
$ResourceGroupName = “AzureResourceGroupName”
$ResourceGroupLocation = “East US”

Import-Module Az.LogicApp -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$schemasFolder = “$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_LogicApps-Integration-account/drop/artifacts/Schemas”

$schemas = @(Get-ChildItem $schemasFolder -Filter *.xsd)
foreach ($schema in $schemas)
$schemaFilePath = $schema.FullName
$schemaName = $schema.BaseName
$schemaContents = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($schemaFilePath)

$PropertiesObject = @{
schemaType = “Xml”
content = “$schemaContents”
contentType = “application/xml”

$schema = get-azintegrationaccountschema -name “AzureIntegrationAccountName” -resourcegroupname “AzureResourceGroupName” -SchemaName $schemaName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

if ($schema)
# Update the schema
Write-Host “Updating schema $schemaName in IntegrationAccount $AccountName in ResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName”

Set-AzResource -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schemas -ResourceName “$AccountName/$schemaName” -ApiVersion 2016–06–01 -Force
# Create the schema

New-AzResource -Location $ResourceGroupLocation -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/schemas -ResourceName “$AccountName/$schemaName” -ApiVersion 2016–06–01 -Force


  • Liquid files Update: For Liquid files update I am going to use similar PowerShell script which will pick all recently added .xslt files

Lets use the same PowerShell script method to upload liquid map files.

$AccountName = “AzureIntegrationAccountName”
$ResourceGroupName = “AzureResourceGroupName”
$ResourceGroupLocation = “East US”

Import-Module Az.LogicApp -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

$mapFolder = “$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_LogicApps-Integration-account/drop/artifacts/XSLT”

$maps = @(Get-ChildItem $mapFolder -Filter *.xslt)

foreach ($map in $maps)
$mapFilePath = $map.FullName
$mapName = $map.BaseName
$mapContents = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($mapFilePath)

$PropertiesObject = @{
mapType = “Xslt”
content = “$mapContents”
contentType = “application/xml”

$map = Get-AzIntegrationAccountMap -Name “AzureIntegrationAccountName” -ResourceGroupName “AzureResourceGroupName” -MapName $mapName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($map)
# Update the map
Write-Host “Updating map $mapName in IntegrationAccount $AccountName in ResourceGroup $ResourceGroupName”

Set-AzResource -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps -ResourceName “$AccountName/$mapName” -ApiVersion 2016–06–01 -Force
# Create the map

New-AzResource -Location $ResourceGroupLocation -PropertyObject $PropertiesObject -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -ResourceType Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts/maps -ResourceName “$AccountName/$mapName” -ApiVersion 2016–06–01 -Force


You can find more information about Schema’s/Maps/Liquid files/Assemblies further at below links:



Prashanth Kumar
Prashanth Kumar

Written by Prashanth Kumar

IT professional with 20+ years experience, feel free to contact me at:

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